Monday, May 13, 2019

Security Questions? JUST ASK US!!!

The Midlife Gals have been thinking...always a scary prospect...about 'security questions.' You know, the ones you have to make up for online security...or pick the default questions that some idiot thought up to REALLY trick the criminals. Here's our list:

Sal's Security Questions:

What is your favorite vodka?
The cheapest

What is your favorite curse word?
Dick head

What would be your ideal job?
Cocktail contest judge

What was the name of your kindergarten school?
Mother's walk-in closet/purse section

What do you sleep in?
Only step-ins/no jammies

What's your favorite food?
pâté de foie gras or a Frito Pie with extra cheese


KK's Security Questions:

In what location did you lose your virginity?
Parent's living room floor

What did you name your current automobile?

What goes with olives?
Seriously? Martinis...du'uh.

Which husband was your favorite?
Mr. 3
Now, if we can just remember our answers! 
KK and Sal